Light bulb burn out

If you wanna try this yourself.. Be careful!! The glass is really sharp and you’re dealing with power..

First you have to break the glass of the bulb.. It is recommended to break / manipulate the light bulb in a freeze bag or another plastic bag, because there are a lot of sharp little shards..

One can use a drill to create a small hole on the top (or wherever you want) of the bulb.. The duration of the burn is depending on the size of the hole.. A small hole will result in a long burn..
If you completely break the glass, the duration of the burn will be below one second, but the smoke formation will be more intense..
One can see the difference on the images below:

Light Bulb II - Final seconds

Light bulb with small hole

Small hole
Those were shot with a short exposure, large aperture and without flash.. The bulb was manipulated with a dril, the burn out duration is longer and therefore you get more shots.. The images were taken in a row (with 1/500s exposure and without additional light sources)..

Light Bulb IV - Smoke

Light bulb with completely broken glass

Completely broken
This is no fake or post processing trick.. The bulb and the smoke were really captured in a singles shot..
On that one I used bulb mode (longer exposure as above), smaller aperture to compensate the longer exposure and a flash to freeze the smoke..
The Flash was below the table, behind the smoke flashing towards the camera, manually triggered, 1/2 power

On the second image I had to recolorized the smoke as I had a green “lens flare” on the bottom of the smoke.. But I tried to get as close to the original color as possible..

If you wanna try this yourself.. Be careful!! The glass is really sharp and you’re dealing with power..

Hope this tutorial helps..
If you have any questions or more information, please let me know..
Appreciate any comments and criticism..

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Experimental, Howto veröffentlicht. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

2 Antworten auf Light bulb burn out

  1. Very inventive. Thanks for the tutorial.

  2. Jimi Jones sagt:

    Thanks for the tutorial. Much appreciated!
    I’d like to try this someday when time allows. Makes a nice Winter storm projects. 😉

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